
Selection of Activities

The outcomes for the K-12 physical education program of studies are prescribed through the curriculum. In addressing student learning outcomes of the prescribed curriculum and the daily physical activity initiative, teachers may select activities that they consider most appropriate. No single activity is compulsory or required in schools.


Application of Guidelines to Alternative Activities

These guidelines have been developed as an informational resource for teachers to use in various physical activity environments. The intent and scope may be applied to alternative activity times, such as the daily physical activity initiative, recess, intramural and lunch supervision. They are NOT intended to circumvent or replace existing regulations sanctioned by provincial and national sporting organizations relative to extracurricular activities. Refer to the Interschool Athletics Section for information regarding inter-school competition.


Responsibility for Safety in Achieving Outcomes

Teachers are responsible for assisting students in achieving the general and specific outcomes identified in the program of studies. Some of the specific outcomes focus on student responsibility in relation to safety and personal challenge. These are identified in the program of studies. As these outcomes are achieved, they will assist in creating a safe learning environment. School authorities and teachers are ultimately responsible for ensuring the environment is safe.