
Supervision of Gymnastics Activities

  • Constant visual supervision is recommended for all elevated inversions, following initial skill instruction and after all safety concerns have been emphasized. 
  • On-site supervision is recommended for all other activities.


Instructional Considerations for Gymnastics Activities

Teaching Progression

  • To ensure safety in gymnastics, it is particularly important that skills be taught in proper progression. 
  • Activities must be based on skills that are taught. 
  • Review previous lesson skills prior to advancing. 
  • Assess the students for strength and ability to attempt new skills. 
  • Teachers should identify students absent on days when prerequisites were taught and ensure they are brought up to date.
  • Apparatuses should be introduced one piece at a time when working toward the development of a circuit. A progression from lower to higher apparatuses should be followed.

Safe Landing Techniques

  • At the beginning of each gymnastics unit, students should be taught proper and safe landing techniques.

Movements that Should Not be Attempted

  • Students should not perform skills beyond their abilities. 
  • Aerial movements should not be attempted.

Spotting and Alternatives

  • Spotting, in general, is not recommended in the education setting. Teacher should ensure apparatus configuration is appropriate so skills can be done without a spotter. 
  • Teachers should utilize the Fundamental Movement Pattern (FMP) approach in place of spotting. This involves the development of fundamental body management skills via the movement patterns of Landing, Statics, Locomotions, Rotations, Swings, Springs, and Object Manipulation.
    In addition, FMP involves: 
    • Teaching progressive activities that lead up to skills.
    • Teaching students how to land safely from a variety of different and probable situations. 
    • Ensuring landing mats and equipment are at an appropriate height for students to ensure safe activity and minimize risk of injury in landing.
  • Level I Gymnastics certification in-services, workshops or courses may help teachers feel more comfortable in understanding the DMP approach. 


Equipment/Facilities for Gymnastics Activities


  • Teacher should do a safety check to ensure proper set-up prior to student use, e.g., ensure all locking mechanisms are secure. 
  • Springboards with flat, long take-off area should not be used as a mounting device for vaults or other apparatus.

Clothing, Etc.

  • Clothing with belts or zippers should not be permitted.
  • Suitable footwear for gymnastics should be worn and includes bare feet or running shoes. Socks alone must not be permitted.


  • Mats should be placed on, under, and around all designated landing areas and equipment without overlaps or gaps. 
  •  Velcro mats should be properly connected. 
  • Precautions should be taken to minimize movement of mats on impact. 
  • Gymnastic mats should be used for floor work, tumbling and landing on feet from a controlled height (student’s height at shoulder is maximum jumping height). These may include: 
    • Ensolite 3.8 cm (1½ in.) 
    • Trocellen 5.1 cm (2 in.) 
    • Ethefoam 3.8 cm (1½ in.) 
    • Sarneige 3.8 cm (1½ in.) 
    • Mats of equivalent compaction rating.
  • Landing surfaces to be used for elevated inverted skills: 30.5 cm to 60.9 cm (12 in. to 24 in.) solid or cross-linked foam pit. These surfaces should not be used as landing surfaces for vaulting or for controlled landings, e.g., landing on feet, off any piece of equipment.

Layout of Gymnasium

  • Floor plan should allow enough space around each piece of apparatus for safe movement. 
  • Landing area should be a safe distance away from walls and equipment. 


  • Trampolines are not be used as equipment resources in schools.


Last revised on 16 February, 2024.