
Coaching Competencies

Teachers and instructors (including external providers) who coach teams should possess the relevant competencies to safely and effectively manage the proposed activity, as specified in each of the activity guidelines.


Definition of a Teacher/Coach

A teacher/coach can be any individual approved by the principal or designate. Any teacher/coach who is not a teacher or administrator employed by the board or an individual with teaching certification approved by the principal or designate (e.g., retired teacher, teacher not under contract) should:

  • complete the application form for outside teachers/coaches;
  • be interviewed and approved by the principal or designate;
  • familiarize themselves with ASAA, Zone, and relevant school and board policies and procedures provided by the principal or designate;
  • have a current criminal records check.


Coaching Qualification

The teacher/coach in charge should:

  • Review local guidelines for the interschool athletic activity and attend relevant clinics and teachers’/coaches’ meetings.
  • Be fully certified (Theory, Technical and Practical) with the current NCCP Level One or the equivalent in the interschool athletic activity he/she is coaching.
  • Have current first aid certification, including the use of AEDs. A current list of organizations offering first aid training is available at the Alberta Employment and Immigration website: Search for First Aid Agencies.

Coaching by Supply Teachers

  • In situations where a supply teacher or other teacher is asked to coach an interschool athletic activity, the following should occur:
    • Administrators should address teacher competence level with interschool athletic activity and knowledge related to safety considerations;
    • Absent teacher/coach, administrator or designate should review relevant portions of the Safety Guidelines for Interschool Athletics in Alberta with the replacement teacher/coach and be available to be contacted should questions arise during the activity;
    • In the absence of the teacher/coach, the administrator or designate should specify restrictions/modifications for student athletes with health or behavioural problems.


  • Officials should be knowledgeable about the rules of the interschool athletic activity and how to ensure a safe competitive environment.
  • The best choice for an official is one who is certified and registered with the governing body or commission responsible for the sport, if one is available. A second choice is a competent adult that knows the rules of the sport and can ensure they are followed as closely as possible.
  • In the event that an official(s) fails to arrive at an interschool athletic competition, teachers/coaches may assume officiating responsibilities provided they have training as a coach or official.
  • School athletic staff should support officials in enforcing game rules and ethical standards.
  • Officials should be provided with a safe environment, changing facilities and a sanctuary from parents.


Last revised on 26 April, 2021.

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