Back Push (IG)
Suitable for Grades K - 12


Objective of the Game

Two competitors position themselves on the ground seated back-to-back. Their right hands are placed on the floor between their legs, and the left hand on the outside of the left leg. Their knees are bent and feet placed flat on the floor.

Using leg, arm, and body strength, the players try to push their opponent out of the designated playing zone. The first play to have a foot go over the circle or line loses that round.

The first round is played with the right hand between their legs, the second round with the left hand between their legs, and the third round (if in a tie) is played Eastern style with both hands outside the legs. The match is won by best of three rounds.



No equipment required.


Playing Area

No special playing area is required. And flat, level area large enough to accommodate the designated playing zone consisting of either a circle or two end-zone lines.


Teams and Players

This game was traditionally played mostly by young men and adults.


Safety Considerations

Players should take care not to head-butt their opponent.

Need more information?

Alberta Sport
780 422-0779

Last revised on 27 April, 2020.