Back Bend (IG)
Suitable for Grades K - 12


Objective of the Game

The Back Bend is a test of flexibility and strength. The competitor begins standing with their heels butted up against a gymnastics mat, with their feet in a straight line, spread in as wide a stance as possible.The distance from their armpit to the tip of their middle finger is measured on the broom handle. The competitor grips this spot with both hands on top of each other as they would hold a baseball bat.

Holding the broom handle overhead, the competitor bends backwards and touches the broom handle to the ground and returns to the starting position without moving their feet.

After each successful attempt, the grip position is decreased. The competitor who can perform the Back Bend with the shortest distance (i.e.: the lowest) is declared the winner.



  1. Broom handle or similar implement.
  2. Gymnastics mat


Playing Area

A gym is the best playing area for the Back Bend. The playing area should be level and a gymnastics mat should be used.


Teams and Players

The Back Bend is an individual event.


Safety Considerations

The playing area must be cleaned and checked for objects and debris that could cause injuries in the event of a fall. Gymnastics mats should be used as the competitors’ head is the first point of contact in a failed attempt.

Functional strength and flexibility exercises should be practised as training for this event as there can be a significant amount of stress placed on the knees and ankles.

Need more information?

Alberta Sport
780 422-0779

Last revised on 27 April, 2020.