Resistance Bands / Tubes
Suitable for Grades K - 12


Resistance band / tube programs for preadolescents and adolescents can be safe and effective if proper techniques and safety precautions are followed. The activities chosen should depend on students’ age and maturity levels. Suggested guidelines are:

  • Grades K – 12: Performing strength activities by using students’ own body weight is preferred. Resistance tubing/bands can be used for various activities, ensuring that they are being used properly and safely, and can not snap back towards the face or head.



  • On-site supervision is recommended following initial skill instruction and after all safety concerns have been emphasized.


Instructional Considerations

  • When dealing with resistance bands & tubes, students must be instructed in the proper techniques, safety procedures, and program progressions that are reflective of the student’s weight, skill and age.
  • A general strengthening program should address all major muscle groups and exercise through the complete range of motion.
  • Specific strength training exercises should be learned initially with no load (resistance). Once the exercise skill has been mastered, incremental loads can be added.
  • Student workouts should be with a partner.

Resistance Bands or Tubing

  • Bands come in a variety of resistance weights from light to heavy therefore allowing one to increase resistance as one progresses. Exercise tubing is also a very similar product that can be used in a similar method as resistance bands.
  • Hold band securely on both ends.
  • Focus on slow, controlled movements; don’t let the band snap back into place.
  • Never hyperextend (lock) a joint, i.e., always keep a slight bend in your knees and elbows.
  • Start with a lighter resistance band if just beginning.
  • Maintain proper posture for the duration of the exercise.
  • Focus on core stability by pulling the navel towards the spine.
  • Perform exercises that help to balance your strength (e.g., do exercises for your front and back muscle groups).
  • Instruct students to breathe properly during the exercises and not to hold their breath.
  • Dynabands®️ are made of latex rubber. Check for students who may have allergies to  latex.



  • All equipment should be cleaned after use.
  • Equipment not in use should be stored appropriately and in such a way that they do not present a safety hazard.
  • Suitable clothing and footwear should be worn (e.g., workout clothing and runners).

Need more information?

Alberta Weightlifting Association

Last revised on 21 February, 2020.